SGE Analytical Syringe 10R-S-0.63 P/N 002898
Syringe 10R-S-0.63 002898 / 60361-134 is part of a wide selection of SGE Analytical Chromatography syringes. Combining excellent quality with an affordable price, the SGE Analytical Syringe 10R-S-0.63 002898 / 60361-134 can meet your scientific research needs while still offering a good value for a budget conscious end user.
These syringes were designed for use with Shimadzu autosamplers. They incorporate a unique plunger design, which reduces the risk of bending and seizing during injection. Needles have a cone-shaped point style specifically developed to withstand multiple injections.
The 26-gauge needles are intended for megabore (0.53mm I.D.) on-column injections. The 23-gauge needles are for split/splitless injections and other techniques.